Tsai Erh Ping x ODCdesign

The renowned life artist "Tsai Erh Ping" has been working hard since his early New York street exhibitions. The art works of Mr. Tsai are adored a slew of celebrities and entrepreneurs. Additionally, he was awarded a prize from the White House in 1993 for an artist who has contributed to help raise awareness of fine crafts, and to the cultural and creative industry.

The former US first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, as well as the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright are fans of Tsai’s artworks. Erh Ping has received countless art awards from prestigious art shows across the country. His unique art as well as his ideas of innovation, have swept the New York fashion industry, bringing a new jewelry trend for the art world.

國際知名旅美生活藝術家蔡爾平,從紐約街頭藝術展覧開始,經過多年努力得到名人及企業家們認同並嶄露頭角。更於1993年獲美國白宮頒授美國傑出工藝家,獎勵對Fine Craft藝術的提升和文創產業的貢獻;當時美國總統夫人Hillary Rodham Clinton(希拉蕊)、國務卿Madeleine Albright (歐布萊特)也成了創作的收藏粉絲;至今已獲得多項重要工藝競賽大獎,其獨特的藝術工法及創新理念,更襲捲紐約時尚界,引領成為藝術界新風潮!

蔡爾平 Tsai Erh Ping 品牌為歐原形象設計代理經營




